RuAF Su-34 drops newest UMPB D-30SN aerial ammunition

For the primary time, we’ve caught a glimpse of Russia’s latest guided munition, the UMPB D-30SN, nestled below the wing of the Su-34 front-line bomber. The footage was shared by Kirill Fedorov’s channel simply final night time. “Our cherished Su-34 bomber affectionately dubbed the duckling, is seen deploying the UMPB D-30SN planning bombs on Ukrainian positions in Kharkiv,” learn the publish. 

Photograph credit score: Telegram

News about this superior high-precision weapon surfaced in early March. There have been indications that it was being utilized in fight to focus on enemy positions inside the warfare zone in Ukraine. 

Particulars on the brand new weapon had been initially revealed by the Fighterbomber group. In accordance with their report, the bomb sports activities a 300mm diameter, comes outfitted with a satellite tv for pc navigation system, and an inertial steerage system, and carries a warhead weighing roughly 230 kg. Its design options embody a warhead, a management unit, a jet engine, and wings that deploy throughout flight. 

Video: RuAF Su-34 drops latest UMPB D-30SN aerial ammunition
Photograph credit score: Telegram

Munitions play an important position in neutralizing enemy targets, whether or not launched from fight plane or rocket artillery techniques. We’re speaking in regards to the 300-mm reactive volley firing system referred to as “Twister-S.” On this context, the D-30SN is mounted on an ordinary missile part designed for the system’s projectiles. 

By incorporating an engine and wings, the fight vary of the ammunition is prolonged. This enhancement permits MLRS [Multiple Launch Rocket System] crews and fight aviation pilots to function safely, minimizing the danger of threats from the enemy.

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

UAC delivered RuAF new batch of Su-34 declaring a production reserve
Video screenshot

On February 21, 2022, Russia said that its border facility was attacked by Ukrainian forces, ensuing within the deaths of 5 Ukrainian fighters. Nonetheless, Ukraine shortly dismissed these allegations, labeling them as ‘false flags’.

In a notable transfer on the identical day, Russia introduced it formally acknowledged the self-proclaimed areas of DPR and LPR. Apparently, based on Russian President Putin, this recognition coated all of the Ukrainian areas. Following this declaration, Putin despatched a battalion of Russia’s navy forces, tanks included, into these areas.

Quick ahead to February 24, 2022, world headlines had been dominated by a vital incident. Putin commanded a forceful navy assault on Ukraine. Led by Russia’s spectacular Armed Forces positioned on the Ukrainian border, this assault wasn’t spontaneous however a premeditated motion. Regardless of the circumstances resembling a warfare, the Russian authorities refrains from utilizing this time period. They’d quite consult with it as a “particular navy operation”.


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